Feds Raid the Home of Former Trump DOJ Official Who Wanted to Investigate Allegations of Voter Fraud

by Debra Heine


In a pre-dawn raid Wednesday, armed federal law enforcement agents searched the home of Jeffrey Clark, a former Trump Justice Department official who has emerged as a central figure in the partisan House Select Committee’s investigation into the January 6 riot.

Clark’s name was expected to come up in the Jan. 6 Committee hearing on Thursday.

He served as acting assistant attorney general for the Civil Division during President Trump’s final months in office, where he was the only official willing to investigate credible allegations of fraud.

In a tweet back in March, Clark explained why he has been targeted by the regime.

“I’m a former Trump DOJ official who (like you) was concerned about the 2020 election,” he explained. “Now I’m one of the top targets of the politically motivated J6 Committee.”


Clark allegedly met directly with the White House to discuss allegations of voter fraud “rather than going through proper channels,” Fox News reported.

According to previous testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Trump considered appointing Clark as attorney general after former AG William Barr showed no interest in pursuing voter fraud allegations after the election, but several top Justice Department officials reportedly threatened to quit, leading Trump to cancel the plan.

The committee subpoenaed Clark in October, and he reportedly invoked the Fifth Amendment more than 100 times during his interview.

Russ Vought, former Office of Management and Budget director and president of the Center for Renewing America, where Clark is a fellow, released a statement Thursday condemning the raid.

“The new era of criminalizing politics is worsening in the US. Yesterday more than a dozen DOJ law enforcement officials searched Jeff Clark’s house in a pre-dawn raid, put him in the streets in his pajamas, and took his electronic devices,” Vought said in the statement. “All because Jeff saw fit to investigate voter fraud. This is not America, folks.“

In an interview earlier this month, Clark said he had no involvement with January 6 “in any capacity,” but did want a “thorough investigation” into allegations of voter fraud.

“This whole hearing process is a Kangaroo Court with no adversary designed to destroy its targets,” Clark told Steve Bannon on June 10.

Clark told Bannon that it was important to keep an eye on what the left has planned for the midterms to avoid a redo of the 2020 election.

Fears of another rigged election are valid because as Mollie Hemingway reported at the Federalist, the Biden White House is in the process of instituting a federal takeover of the election administration, and refuses to answer questions about this partisan effort.



Clark described the raid on Tucker Carlson Tonight Thursday evening. He told Carlson that multiple people nationwide were raided by the feds at roughly the same time Wednesday morning for their electronic devices.

“Increasingly Tucker, I don’t recognize the country anymore with these kinds of Stasi-like things happening,” he said.

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Debra Heine reports for American Greatness.
Photo “Jeffrey Clark” by United States Department of Justice. Background Photo “January 6th” by Tyler Merbler. CC BY 2.0.


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